Airport Skopje

Transfer Nis Skopje Airport
Number for info and booking +381 63 456 515
Online booking
The Skopje Airport was constructed in 1928. The first flight took place in 1929 to Belgrade – the capital of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of that time by the National Company, Aeroput.
One year later, that line was extended to Thessaloniki and Athens, while in 1935 the new line was introduced, with Vienna as the final destination, via Belgrade and Zagreb.
In the period after II World War, till disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, it was possible to fly from Skopje Airport to many airports in the country and abroad. In 2006, the Government of Ex-Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia changed the airport name to Aleksandar Veliki, which represents curiosity, having in mind that only 300km from Skopje, there is the airport with the same name, Alexander the Great Airport in Kavala.
Passenger transportation to the airport Skopje
However, with improvement of the relations between Skopje and Athens in 2018, the Airport in Skopje changes the airport name again, to the International Airport Skopje. Since then, the air traffic between these two countries has started to grow..
During the last few years, the number of passegers, flying from this airport, has been increased, exceeding the number of 2.000.000. From Skopje, one could fly to Belgrade, Zagreb, Athens, Vienna, Zurich, Dubai, Warsaw, Istanbul, Doha, Barselona, Basel, Berlin, Bratislava, Bremen, Brussels, Budapest, Cologne, Kopenhagen, Dortmund, Aindhoven, Frankfurt, Fridrihhafen, Geteborg, Hamburg, Karlsrue, Hanover, Larnaka, London, Malme, Malta, Milan, Munich, Nirnberg, Oslo, Paris, Roma, Stocholm, Turku, Vaxjo and Venice.
Most of the continental avio-companies are presente there, such as: Croatia Airlines , AirSerbia, Turkish Airlines, SwissAir, Catar Airways, Austrian, Aegean, WizzAir, …